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"Expansion microscopy" uses diaper technology to enlarge specimens
How Scientists Are Using Diaper Technology to Study Brains
Minute Biophysics - Expansion Microscopy (Maddy)
What is Expansion Microscopy? Innovative technology that reveals nature’s hidden secrets
Exploring Expansion Microscopy with Paul Tillberg
Sven Truckenbrodt (IST Austria): X10 Expansion Microscopy
Tools for Analyzing and Repairing Biological Systems | Professor Ed Boyden | 04 August 2020
Expanding our understanding of the brain
Drylock Technologies introduces a new era of producing diaper
Ed Boyden - Optical Tools for Analyzing and Controlling Biological Systems
Microscopy expansion helps "blow up" tiny brain tissue
Ed Boyden: How to develop technologies worthy of a Nobel prize | Optogenetics & Expansion Microscopy